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Suez Canal: Bloked !

One of the busiest navigation Suez Canal is blocked due to a heavy Goods carrier Ship weight around 160 Lakh Ton.

Ever Given is a Golden-class container ship, one of the largest container ships in the world. The ship is owned by Shoei Kisen Kaisha, and time chartered and operated by Taiwanese container transportation and shipping company Evergreen Marine.

Ever given more than 200 ships were stuck there is no space for navigation, Length of the canal around 193 KM and width around 78M  
 it is situated in Egypt.

First Indian woman President of Oxford University

Rashmi Samant an Indian girl was elected as president of Oxford Student Union ( OSU) in Oxford University was resigned due to controversy over her past. 
People troll him her mother Tweeted 'Jai Sri Ram ' 
They blamed her that she is a 'communal girl ' 

Some of Rashmi Samant's old social media posts had emerged, which were branded as "racist" and "insensitive".
These included a holocaust reference on a post during a visit to the Berlin Holocaust Memorial in Germany in 2017 and an Instagram caption on a picture of herself in Malaysia that read "Ching Chang", which upset Chinese students

Best way to nurture your children beyond school

The most crucial phase of life to make your child and educated, all over the countries in the world update their education system so that child nurture effectively. 

"Children are the most valuable assets of any country in the world"

Ensure each child is valued, respected, feels safe and secure and develops a positive self  concept 
• Enable a sound foundation for physical and motor development of each child- as per each child’s potential 
• Imbibe good nutrition routines, health habits, hygiene practices and self help skills 
• Enable children for effective communication and foster both receptive and expressive language 
• Promote development and integration of the senses 
• Stimulate intellectual curiosity and develop conceptual understanding of the world around by providing opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment 

• Enhance development of pro-social skills, social competence and emotional well being 
• Develop sense of aesthetic appreciation and stimulate creative learning processes. 
• Imbibe culturally and developmentally appropriate behaviour and core human values of 
respect and love for fellow human beings. 

Lutyen's Delhi

Sir Edwins Lutyen (1869-1944) who made many architectural buildings in Delhi and design it during British Raj. 

Before the new imperial capital was established in 1911, the Old Delhi Railway Station served the Agra-Delhi railways, the line cut through what is today called Lutyens' Delhi. The line was eventually shifted to make way for the new capital and the New Delhi Railway Station was built near Ajmeri Gate in 1926.

Source : Internet 

Googloholic Education

In ancient time teacher was the supreme body of any society. He was the tycoon of knowledge hence teaching was the most respectable profession. During 19 century one can see a drastic change in education.
 18 to 19 century was known as Inventory Era so many modern machine were invented in that time. Prominent Scientists were   born to change society.
They worked day and night heartily to make their dreams true we can see aeroplane, Bulb, Gramophone, Radio these all were possible because of countless efforts of scientists
But today no one want to put efforts all of us want to prepared knowledge we search every single things in Google. We rely on it completely because we became googoloholic!

Internet Addition

Internet addiction is a common problem in university students and negatively affects cognitive functioning, leads to poor academic performance and engagement in hazardous activities, and may lead to anxiety and stress.
An Internet or computer addiction is the excessive use of the former or the latter. The latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) actually includes it as a disorder that needs further study and research. In a publication on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website, the study, which was conducted by the Department of Adult Psychiatry in the Poland Medical University, showed that Internet addiction was seen to be quite popular and common among young people, especially those who were only children. In fact, every fourth child is addicted to the Internet. This is an alarming statistic that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Now Same time came but people are anwared Social media a play vital role for any indain's life .For the first time, India has more internet users in rural areas than in urban cities. The latest report by the Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and Nielsen showed rural India had 227 million active internet users, 10% more than urban India’s about 205 million, as of November 2019. The numbers were boosted by the cheapest internet connections in the world.
In addition, there are around 71 million kids, aged 5-11 years, who go online using devices of family members. With this, India surpassed another milestone of having 504 million active internet users who are 5 years old or above — 53 million more than 451 million in March 2019. Active internet users are defined as those who use the internet at least once a month

More than 3.5 hour of a day an average people spend on these popular sites Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. 
They have a large market in world therefore they are coming with lucrative schemes so that people fascinate with these social sites. Your secure data are stored by these social platform. They sell it and make money we can't do anything because we have  addiction of social media.