New year brings New energy , Happiness and Joy We all celebrate every New year of our life with great enthusiasm Do You know when first new year was celebrated ?
Around 2000 BCE The earliest known record of a New Year festival dates from about
2000 bce in Mesopotamia, where in Babylonia the new year (Akitu) began with the new moon after the spring equinox (mid-March) and in Assyria with the new moon nearest the autumn equinox.
The modern new year was celebrate in Kiribati Samoa and Tonga near Pacific Ocean.
Most of countries start celebration on 31 December people come on road fire crackers , drink beverages and Go to Pub , Club or Their favorite destinations
Kiribati Or Kirimari is the first country which celebrates new year earliest.
Every year people make lot of promises for goodness and they try to withdraw their bad habits like drinking too much alcohol or hurt any one , even the mistakes those they have done during their last year they hope to not repeat them again.
What are your promises for this year which you want and what are the goals of your new year I think you should write all those crucial promises and fulfill them
Bringing Happiness one of the most crucial mantra for a beautiful life we must spread Happiness in our surrounding.
Wish You all happy New Year !