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Sudarshan Setu Dwarka Bridge

India gets its longest cable stayed Bridge :Prime Minister of India

On Sunday, February 25, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the Sudarshan Setu, India's lengthiest cable-stayed bridge, establishing a vital link between the Okha mainland and Beyt Dwarka island in Gujarat. Renowned as the Okha-Beyt Dwarka Signature Bridge, this engineering marvel spans 2.5 kilometers and was constructed at an approximate cost of ₹980 crore. Its inauguration holds great importance for residents and pilgrims, serving as a key connection for those visiting the revered Dwarkadhish Temple.

The bridge was initiated by the Centre in 2017 to ease the commute for devotees between Okha and Bet Dwarka. Prior to its construction, pilgrims had to rely on boat transport to reach the Dwarkadhish Temple.

The Sudarshan Setu is seen as a solution to the problems faced by the villagers. PM Modi had also included Dwarka in 'Viksit Bharat'. The bridge is expected to boost tourism, save time, and improve access to quality healthcare.

Besides the Sudarshan Setu, he is also scheduled to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for projects in Jamnagar, Devbhumi Dwarka and Porbandar districts, including the electrification of a 533-km railway line and the inauguration of two offshore pipelines under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas at Vadinar

We should know about Sudarshan Setu in Gujarat 

Linking the Okha mainland to Beyt Dwarka island, the Sudarshan Setu is anticipated to improve connectivity in the region.

As India's longest cable-stayed bridge, the Sudarshan Setu boasts upper footpath sections equipped with solar panels, generating one megawatt of electricity.

The four-lane bridge features 2.50-meter-wide footpaths on both sides.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiated the construction of the bridge in October 2017.
The Sudarshan Setu, built at a cost of ₹978 crore, incorporates a footpath adorned with verses from the Bhagavad Gita and images of Lord Krishna.

Prior to the Okha-Beyt Dwarka Signature Bridge, pilgrims had to rely on boat transport to reach the Dwarkadhish Temple in Beyt Dwarka.

Beyond its utilitarian function, the bridge is poised to become a notable tourist attraction.
In addition to inaugurating the Sudarshan Setu, PM Modi is scheduled to open Gujarat’s first All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Rajkot, among five AIIMS projects inaugurated from Rajkot.

The prime minister will also inaugurate and initiate projects totaling ₹48,000 crore across various state and central departments, encompassing NHAI, railways, energy and petrochemicals, roads, and buildings.

In addition to the Sudarshan Setu, Prime Minister Modi is set to unveil Gujarat's inaugural All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Rajkot this Sunday. This marks one of the five AIIMS facilities to be inaugurated by the prime minister in Rajkot.

Furthermore, PM Modi is slated to inaugurate and initiate groundbreaking for projects valued at ₹48,000 crore across diverse state and central departments. These projects span sectors like NHAI, railways, energy and petrochemicals, as well as roads and buildings.

Artificial Intelligence can guide and support you in achieving weight loss goals.

AI helps to loose your weight 

With its capacity to emulate human problem-solving skills, it's no wonder that a growing number of individuals are embracing AI-driven wellness coaches. These virtual assistants assist in formulating exercise regimens, monitoring nutritional intake, and establishing weight loss objectives.

The landscape of work has undergone a profound transformation due to technology, particularly with the advent of the internet, websites, and mobile apps. This technological evolution extends its influence significantly in the realm of weight loss and fitness maintenance. Selecting the most suitable program for your body amid the plethora of options can be a daunting task, as there is no universal diet or weight loss regimen. The future of effective weight loss is anticipated to be driven by Artificial Intelligence, offering a personalized and more efficient approach to achieving fitness goals.

Conventional weight-loss programs exhibit inherent flaws in their design. Tailored for a broad audience with minimal adjustments, these mainstream initiatives often prove challenging for individuals seeking a plan that resonates with their unique needs. The struggle intensifies as these programs overlook individual dietary preferences, allergies, and food intolerances. Moreover, some advocate drastic measures like fasting or eliminating entire food groups, disrupting established lifestyles. The outcome is unsurprising—many individuals falter with these one-size-fits-all approaches, emphasizing the inadequacies of such "cookie-cutter" diets.

How can AI make a difference?

 Well, as the name suggests, Artificial Intelligence harnesses machine intelligence to grasp the nuances unique to each user. It delves into various aspects, encompassing current lifestyle, sleep patterns, diet, activity levels, heart rates, and numerous other parameters. These data points are meticulously mapped, compared, and analyzed, yielding profound insights into individual patterns and progress markers.

Embarking on a journey towards a healthy and fit lifestyle often begins with understanding the role of food as the fuel for our bodies. However, many individuals grapple with uncertainties about what and how much to eat. Enter AI-powered diet plans, where everything is meticulously laid out for you. By precisely identifying and quantifying the foods you consume, an AI-driven approach ensures a level of accuracy that significantly reduces the likelihood of confusion and missteps in your fitness journey.

What lies ahead in the future? 

Artificial Intelligence is already revolutionizing our approach to food with data-driven nutrition planning. Although in its early phases, this technology is advancing rapidly, with a select few offering fully automated, personalized diet plans.

By leveraging machine learning and data analytics, these systems can accurately calculate users' metabolism and make precise adjustments based on solid data, considering factors like food logs and weight information. Personalized plans have a notable advantage as individuals tend to adhere to them for longer periods, reaping the benefits of sustained commitment. This shift has the potential to prevent millions from succumbing to lifestyle disorders such as diabetes and heart disease.

Delving even deeper, advancements in health technology, including bloodwork and comprehensive testing kits, now allow the creation of personalized meal plans aimed at maintaining or improving gut health. These plans are tailored to individual users, offering a nuanced approach.

While technology, with its ability to process vast amounts of data and perform intricate calculations, can never entirely replace human intuition, it certainly serves as a valuable tool for professional coaches. It aids in delivering more effective, custom-built nutrition programs that align with individual needs.

The future remains uncertain, but the possibilities are limitless and undeniably exciting!

Best AI Fitness Apps 
1. FitnessAI 
Visit: fitnessai

 2. Aaptiv 
Visit: aaptiv 

 3. Fitbod 
Visit: Fitbod

4. Freeletics 
Visit: freeletics 

5. Vi Trainer 

 6. Whoop 
Visit: Whoop 

 7. Tonal
Visit: Tonal

Best Content Writing Tips,How to Start Writting Content

18 Best Ways to Start The Writing Process 

Starting to write the first sentence can often present one of the most formidable hurdles for a writer. Continue reading to discover insights from eight authors on ways to initiate the writing process.

1.Start in The Middle 

If you're unsure where to begin, don't feel pressured to decide immediately. The opening line of a book carries weight, but it doesn't have to be your starting point. Your initial words might become the middle of Chapter Three, and that's okay. As your story progresses, you'll uncover insights on how to backtrack. As characters evolve and the plot takes unexpected turns, the ideal starting scene may reveal itself to you.

2.Start Small and Build Up

You don’t have to set a Chevrolet on fire or have someone murdered on the first page to get the reader’s attention. We’ve all watched a lifetime’s worth of TV and movies that put big and often violent events into the first five minutes as a hook. The assumption is that we have the attention spans of chimpanzees. But hooks are hard to live up to; you can’t stay at that level. Besides, screen culture does violence better than written culture, so leave the big violence to the movies. It’s better to start with a small mystery and build up to a bigger one. The truth about a situation is always big enough to sustain someone’s attention.

3.Identify Your Purpose:

Determine why you want to write. Is it for personal enjoyment, to share information, or to tell a story?
Knowing your purpose will guide your writing and help you stay focused.

4.Incentivize the Reader
I'm not big on crafting the perfect opening sentence, but I do believe in the power of the first paragraph or two. These initial paragraphs are key. Initially, I made the error of attempting to address questions about a character's motivations or crucial plot elements right away, believing that getting those out early would be most appreciated by the reader. However, I realized I was focusing on the wrong aspect. In those first few paragraphs, the reader isn't pondering questions about the characters or plot intricacies. They're simply asking one straightforward thing.

5.Allow Yourself Write up Badly 
The most valuable piece of writing advice I ever received was, "Allow yourself to write poorly." Nothing freezes a writer in their tracks quite like the pursuit of perfection. You envision a story in your mind, gleaming and majestic, but when you attempt to transfer it onto the page, it mutates into something mundane, lackluster, and uninspired. Disappointment and discouragement become constant companions, mocking your efforts. You squander precious writing time berating yourself for not conjuring something extraordinary, and eventually, you produce nothing at all.

6.Choose Your Genre or Topic:

Select a genre or topic that interests you. It could be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or any other category.
If you're unsure, experiment with different styles until you find what you enjoy.

7.Set Realistic Goals:

Start with achievable goals. Instead of aiming for a novel, consider writing short stories, articles, or blog posts.
Break down your writing goals into smaller tasks to make the process more manageable.

8.Create a Writing Space:

Find a comfortable and quiet space to write. Minimize distractions to help you focus on your writing.

9.Gather Writing Tools:

Choose the tools that work best for you, whether it's a physical notebook and pen or a computer and word processing software.
Experiment with different tools until you find what suits your style.

10.Develop a Writing Routine:

Establish a consistent writing routine. Whether it's daily, weekly, or another schedule, having a routine helps build discipline.
Set aside dedicated time for writing, even if it's just a few minutes each day.

11.Read Regularly:

Reading enhances your writing skills. Read a variety of genres and styles to expand your understanding of language and storytelling.

12.Start with Freewriting:

Begin with freewriting exercises. Write without worrying about grammar or structure. Let your thoughts flow freely.

13.Outline Your Ideas:

Create a rough outline before diving into longer pieces. This can be a basic structure to guide your writing.

14.Write the First Draft:

Don't worry about perfection in the first draft. Focus on getting your ideas down on paper. You can always revise and edit later.

15.Revise and Edit:

Take time to review and refine your work. Look for clarity, coherence, and style improvements.
Consider seeking feedback from others to gain different perspectives.

16.Learn from Feedback:

Embrace constructive criticism. Use feedback to identify areas for improvement and growth in your writing.

17.Join Writing Communities:

Connect with other writers, both online and offline. Participate in writing groups, forums, or workshops to share experiences and learn from others.

18.Continue Learning:

Writing is a continuous learning process. Explore writing guides, books, and online resources to enhance your skills.

Best Mentor Programmes and Intitutions Help You to Become a Writter and Earn Money 

The University of Iowa Writers' Workshop:

Renowned for its creative writing program, it offers graduate-level workshops in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.

The Gotham Writers' Workshop:

Provides both in-person and online writing classes covering a wide range of genres and skill levels.

The Iowa Summer Writing Festival:

Hosted by the University of Iowa, it offers various writing workshops during the summer for writers of all levels.


Based in Boston, GrubStreet is one of the largest independent writing centers in the United States, offering classes, workshops, and events.

The Writers' Studio:

Offers both online and in-person writing courses, focusing on the development of creative and professional writing skills.

The Clarion Workshop:

A science fiction and fantasy writing workshop that takes place annually, providing an immersive experience for aspiring genre writers.

The Bread Loaf Writers' Conference:

Hosted by Middlebury College, it's a summer conference that brings together established and emerging writers for workshops and discussions.

The Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity:

Located in Canada, it offers various writing residencies, programs, and workshops for writers in a beautiful and inspiring setting.

The Loft Literary Center:

Based in Minneapolis, it provides writing classes, workshops, and events for writers at all levels.

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo):

An annual online challenge that encourages participants to write a 50,000-word novel during the month of November. NaNoWriMo also provides resources and community support.

The Writers' Workshop at the University of British Columbia:

Offers a creative writing program that includes workshops in fiction, poetry, screenwriting, and more.

Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP):

AWP is an organization that provides support, resources, and opportunities for writers, including an annual conference.

Poets & Writers:

A literary organization that offers a wealth of information, resources, and tools for writers, including a database of writing contests, literary magazines, and writing programs.

Online Platforms ( Free Writing Skills)

Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare offer a variety of writing courses taught by professionals in the field.