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24 ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers in 2024 to Earn Money online

Best way to write blogs by using ChatGPT Prompts 

ChatGPT is renowned for its ability to generate compelling blog content, provided it's given the appropriate prompts to fuel its creativity. Below, you'll find a curated selection of top-notch ChatGPT prompts tailored for bloggers, accompanied by practical advice on crafting your own engaging and effective prompts.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT stands as a sophisticated language model crafted by OpenAI, drawing its foundation from the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. Engineered with the primary goal of comprehending and producing text akin to human speech, ChatGPT exhibits a remarkable versatility across various language-related endeavors. From providing answers to queries, crafting imaginative narratives, aiding in coding endeavors, to an array of other linguistic tasks, its capabilities are expansive. Its proficiency stems from extensive exposure to diverse text sources on the internet, enabling it to generate responses that seamlessly blend coherence with contextual relevance.

ChatGPT 3 VS ChatGPT 4 

When ChatGPT initially launched in November 2022, it utilized the GPT-3 language model. Since then, it has transitioned to employing the upgraded GPT-3.5 architecture. Concurrently, OpenAI also introduced GPT-4, which was unveiled in March 2023. Both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 versions are accessible under the ChatGPT umbrella, with further advancements anticipated, potentially including GPT-5, in 2024.

GPT-4 boasts a higher parameter count and is engineered to tackle more sophisticated and creative tasks. Notably, it exhibits capabilities such as generating music and art, indicating a significant leap forward in AI capabilities. Additionally, GPT-4 has the ability to process multimodal input, expanding
Crafting a ChatGPT prompt is straightforward, yet creating an effective one requires a bit more finesse.

From a blogging standpoint, a fundamental ChatGPT prompt should encompass:

Specify the desired content genre or type.
Clearly define the topic or subject matter you want ChatGPT to address.
Indicate the desired length or extent of the content.
In simpler terms, a well-structured ChatGPT prompt should include instructions regarding the content type, topic focus, and desired length. beyond text-based inputs to accommodate various data formats. In contrast, GPT-3 is limited to handling text-based inputs and outputs .

Writing A prompt is easy in ChatGPT 

Crafting a ChatGPT prompt is straightforward, yet creating an effective one requires a bit more finesse.

From a blogging standpoint, a fundamental ChatGPT prompt should encompass:

  1. Specify the desired content genre or type.
  2. Clearly define the topic or subject matter you want ChatGPT to address.
  3. Indicate the desired length or extent of the content.

In simpler terms, a well-structured ChatGPT prompt should include instructions regarding the content type, topic focus, and desired length.

While the result might meet your expectations in terms of competence, grammar, and information, you might find it lacking in its overall flow and engagement. The introduction could be perceived as verbose, and the book recommendations might benefit from a more personalized touch rather than relying solely on ChatGPT's choices.

So, let's explore some exceptional prompts crafted specifically for bloggers in various scenarios. Following that, we'll dive into techniques to enhance and tailor your prompts to achieve more compelling outcomes.

ChatGPT Prompts With Different ideas 

What if you don't know about blog writing  here ChatGPT helps you to write a beautiful blogs for you 

1. Prompt: I run a blog aimed at [AUDIENCE] about [TOPIC]. Come up with 10 ideas that I could write about on my blog. For each idea, suggest 3 different titles.

2. Prompt: I want to start a blog. I’m interested in [TOPIC]. Give me 5 topic areas and 10 specific blog post ideas for each.

3. Prompt: List 18 ideas for blog posts to help me promote my latest product [NAME AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION]. Each blog post idea should
 target a specific search engine keyword: give the keywords.

ChatGPT Prompts to Craft the Perfect Title

Possible Titles for Blog Post:
Prompt 4
Mastering [KEYWORD]: Tips for Success
Unlocking the Secrets of [KEYWORD]
The Ultimate Guide to [KEYWORD]
[KEYWORD] Demystified: Your Complete Guide
Dive Deep into [KEYWORD]: Expert Insights
Exploring [KEYWORD]: A Comprehensive Overview
Elevate Your [KEYWORD] Game: Pro Tips

[KEYWORD] 101: Everything You Need to Know
Strategies for Effective [KEYWORD] Implementation
Maximizing Results with [KEYWORD]: Insider Tactics

Prompt 5
5 Better Title Options:

[KEYWORD] Essentials: Simplifying the Process
The Power of [KEYWORD]: A Complete Walkthrough
Streamline Your Routine with [KEYWORD]
Revolutionize Your Approach: Embracing [KEYWORD]
Unleash Your Potential with [KEYWORD] Mastery

Prompt 6
10 Possible Titles for Blog Post:

The Art of Meal Planning: Your Recipe for Success
Meal Planning Magic: Transforming Your Kitchen Routine
Crack the Code of Meal Planning: Insider Strategies
Meal Planning Made Simple: Tips for Busy Parents
Streamline Your Week with Effective Meal Planning
The Ultimate Meal Planning Guide for Busy Professionals
Mastering Meal Planning: A Roadmap to Healthy Eating
Discover the Joy of Meal Planning: Simplify Your Life
Meal Planning Hacks: Effortless Weeknight Dinners
Elevate Your Cooking Game with Smart Meal Planning

ChatGPT Prompts to Write a full Blog Post : 

These prompts can produce long responses. ChatGPT may stop partway through crafting your post. If it does, just click the “Continue Generating” button, shown in the screenshot below:

7. Prompt: Write a [XXXX] word blog post titled [TITLE] that uses the exact keyword [KEYWORD] at least once every 1000 words. The blog post should include an introduction, main body, and conclusion. The conclusion should invite readers to leave a comment. The main body should be split into at least 6 different subsections.

8. Prompt: Write a [XXXX] word how-to blog post titled [TITLE] in a [TONE] tone. The post should be engaging to an audience of [AUDIENCE]. The blog post should be structured with numbered steps. For each step, please include a description of an image that my designer could create to illustrate that step.

9. Prompt: Write a [XXXX] word listicle blog post titled [TITLE] that is optimized for the keyword [KEYWORD]. This exact keyword should appear at least [X] times in the post, including in at least [X] subheadings. Please format the post as HTML. Include a table of contents at the start of the post, after the introduction, linking to eaIf you have an existing blog post that needs enhancement or you've completed most of your content and require an engaging introduction, AI prompts can assist in crafting captivating introductions that entice readers and pull them into your material.ch item on the list (using jump links).

How to create Introduction by using ChatGPT to attract Readers 

If you have an existing blog post that needs enhancement or you've completed most of your content and require an engaging introduction, AI prompts can assist in crafting captivating introductions that entice readers and pull them into your material.

10. Prompt: Write an introduction (no more than [XXX] words) for a blog post titled “[TITLE]”. The introduction should start with a question and end with a compelling promise to the reader about what they’ll gain by reading the blog post.

11. Prompt: Write a powerful and inspiring introduction to a blog post titled “[TITLE]”. Use the first person (“I”) and write as though you are an expert in the subject matter. The introduction should be [XXX] words maximum.

12. Prompt: Write a short, punchy introduction ([XXX] words max) to a blog post titled “[TITLE]”. The introduction should mention the following key points: [key points you want to include].

ChatGPT Prompts for Call To Action 

Concluding a blog post can often pose a challenge, leading some bloggers to abruptly conclude after their final "how-to" step or listicle item. However, this overlooks a significant opportunity. The conclusion serves as a chance to tie up loose ends, leave a lasting impression, and motivate the reader to take further action. Unsure about how to craft a compelling conclusion? ChatGPT is here to guide you through the process.

13. Prompt: Write a conclusion to a blog post titled “[TITLE]”. The post was written using the outline below. The conclusion should sum up the contents of the post in no more than [XXX] words. After the conclusion, add a call to action prompting the reader to [DO SOMETHING].

Here is the outline: [OUTLINE]

14. Prompt: Come up with 3 different options for a short conclusion (no more than [XXX] words) to a post titled “[TITLE]”. All the options should be in a very different tone and style from one another. For each conclusion, suggest an appropriate call to action.

15. Prompt: Write a conclusion for a blog post titled [TITLE]. In the conclusion, share a short personal reflection about [CONTENT]. The conclusion should be [XXX] words max and should be written in [TONE] tone.

How to create Landing Page for new blog by using ChatGPT Prompts ?

ChatGPT excels not only in crafting engaging blog posts but also in creating compelling sales content. For bloggers venturing into product creation and faced with the daunting task of writing landing pages or sales pages, especially without prior marketing experience, ChatGPT offers invaluable assistance. With its landing page prompts, ChatGPT becomes an indispensable tool in overcoming this significant hurdle and effectively showcasing your product to potential customers.

16. Prompt: Write a landing page for my free short ebook [EBOOK TITLE]. It’s a lead magnet to get people to sign up for my email list. Here are some basic facts about the ebook to include:

Length: XX pages

Format: [PDF]


Testimonial: [TESTIMONIAL]

The landing page should be around [XXX] words in total.

17. Prompt: Write a sales page for my new product [PRODUCT], which costs [$XXX]. It’s aimed at people who are [DESCRIPTION]. Format the page with a short introduction, a bullet-pointed list of features and benefits, an “About Me” section, and a section where I can paste testimonials. There should also be a FAQs section at the end of the page.

Key features of [PRODUCT] to mention:


18. Prompt: Write a sales page for my new online course, [COURSE], which costs [$XXX]. The course takes X weeks and is perfect for anyone who wants to [ACHIEVE X]. The sales page should be structured with a short introduction, a bullet-pointed list of the different lessons in the course (as detailed below), a section of testimonials, an “About Me” section highlighting my experience (as detailed below), and an FAQ section for new students. Mention the [XX] day money-back 


Course lessons:


My experience:


How to write Marketing email by using ChatGPT Prompts ? 

After establishing your landing page, the next step is to promote your product. However, crafting effective promotional emails can be challenging, particularly if your expertise lies more in blog post creation than in sales communication. With AI chatbot prompts, ChatGPT can generate numerous compelling emails tailored to your audience, helping you effectively market your product and drive engagement.

19. Prompt: Write an email (max [XXX] words) to market my new product [PRODUCT], highlighting [KEY FEATURES]. It costs [$XXX]. Finish with a strong call to action. Use a [TONE] tone throughout.

20. Prompt: Write an email introducing my product [PRODUCT, BRIEF DESCRIPTION] and encouraging readers to click to get an exclusive preview of the content. The exclusive preview includes [BRIEF DESCRIPTION].

21. Prompt: Write a series of [X] sales emails for my new product [PRODUCT NAME AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION]. These emails should go out over the course of [X] days. The first (day [X]) should introduce the product briefly, the second (day [X]) should highlight the product’s key benefits, the third (day [X]) should list FAQs about the product and answer them, and the fourth (day X) should be a short email with a strong sense of urgency. [ADD/REMOVE EMAILS IF REQUIRED]. The final email (also day [X]) will go out with 2 hours left before the sale closes and should be a quick, urgent reminder.

How to promote your blog on Social media by using ChatGPT Prompts ?

We can utilize social media effectively  and  significantly boost our blog and online business. However, managing multiple platforms can quickly become overwhelming and time-consuming. Luckily, ChatGPT offers a solution! With its done-for-you social media content prompts, ChatGPT assists in maintaining an active presence across various platforms, complete with emojis and hashtags for maximum engagement.

22. Prompt: Give me [X] tweets to promote my blog post [TITLE]. Each tweet should offer a valuable tip or idea as well as linking to the post.

23. Prompt: Give me [X] LinkedIn posts to share insights from my latest [PRODUCT TYPE], titled [TITLE]. The [PRODUCT TYPE] covers [BRIEF DESCRIPTION].

24. Prompt: I run a blog about [TOPIC]. Come up with [X] ideas for photos I could post on Instagram, with [X] choices of captions for each, to promote my blog. I want to attract an audience of [AUDIENCE].