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UN passes first global AI resolution

First Global Artificial Intelligence resolution is passed by United Nation

The UN General Assembly made history by passing a crucial resolution on AI, with the support of over 120 countries. This groundbreaking resolution, passed unanimously by all 193 UN member states on March 21st, sets forth universal standards and principles for the responsible advancement of AI technologies worldwide.

Spanning eight pages, the resolution advocates for the creation of AI systems that prioritize safety, security, and trustworthiness while upholding human rights and basic freedoms. It calls upon member states and relevant parties to avoid utilizing AI in ways that contradict established international human rights laws.

The resolution encompasses key elements such as:

Elevating public awareness regarding both the advantages and potential drawbacks of AI technology.
Enhancing investments and capabilities in AI research and development.
Ensuring the protection of privacy and fostering transparency within AI systems.
Tackling issues of diversity and bias present in AI datasets and algorithms.
Moreover, it urges governments to devise national policies, safeguards, and standards to guide the ethical development and utilization of AI. Additionally, the resolution calls upon UN agencies to offer technical support to nations requiring assistance in this domain.

Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Advisor, remarked, "Today's adopted resolution presents a holistic framework for nations to navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by AI. It charts a course for international collaboration on AI, advocating for fair accessibility, risk management measures, privacy protection, prevention of misuse, and the mitigation of exacerbated bias and discrimination."

The UN resolution is part of a broader international effort to regulate the rapidly expanding AI industry, driven by concerns surrounding ethics and security.

Recently, the European Union passed the AI Act, establishing risk-based regulations for AI across its 27 member states. Additionally, investigations into potential antitrust issues related to AI have been launched against major tech companies.

In the United States, President Biden took action by signing an executive order last year, kickstarting a national AI strategy with a primary focus on safety and security.

As AI capabilities continue to progress, the UN resolution underlines a worldwide commitment to ensuring that the technology's development adheres to ethical principles and serves the greater good of humanity.

Jake Sullivan emphasized the collaborative nature of the resolution, stating, "Crafted in consultation with civil society and private sector experts, the resolution directly addresses the concerns of many developing nations. It promotes AI capacity building and underscores leveraging technology for sustainable development."

He added, "Importantly, the resolution emphasizes the imperative of prioritizing human rights and fundamental freedoms in both the development and deployment of AI systems."