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OpenAI Has Trained AI Models To Produce Text That Human Can Easily Understand

Now Human can understand ChatGPT's Text Easily 

Tech giants like Google and OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, are spearheading advancements in chatbot technology. Leveraging AI, machine learning, and advanced data analytics, they are refining language models to enhance response quality. In a notable development, OpenAI achieved a breakthrough by training robust language models to generate text that weaker models can easily verify. This innovative approach not only simplifies verification for weaker models but also makes the text more comprehensible for human evaluation. Backed by Microsoft, OpenAI's findings mark a significant step forward in making AI-generated text more accessible and reliable.
"Ensuring that language models generate clear and understandable text is essential for their usefulness, particularly for complex tasks such as solving math problems," OpenAI stated in a recent blog post. The company noted that, although their AI models often provide factually correct answers, these responses can be difficult to comprehend.
"When we asked human evaluators to quickly assess these highly optimized solutions, they made nearly twice as many errors compared to evaluating less optimized ones," OpenAI added. "This underscores the importance of not only correctness but also clarity and ease of verification in AI-generated text."

"To enhance legibility, we optimize the chain-of-thought processes for grade-school math problems so that they can be verified by weaker models, and we investigate whether this makes them easier for humans to understand," OpenAI explained. "This training method is inspired by the Prover-Verifier Game, a game-theoretic framework designed to encourage learning agents to solve decision problems in a verifiable manner."

OpenAI utilized a training approach where a strong model generates solutions that a much weaker model, the verifier, can easily verify, using large and small models from the GPT-4 family.