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An AI Blog by MishraUmesh07

What You Do??

Man is the finest creativity of god beacuse only we have  intellect to do new inventions therefore we have search land in the moon.there are various jobs, business and services in the world where every humen work together according to skills.
Many people sit idle labelled as unemployed which is further classified in different name like seasonal unemployment ,distinguish unemployed and permanent unemployment. Second most asked questione I the world after asking name is,What You Do? I have no idea how all of you reply to this quetion because it depends upon your intrest and Knowledge that make you a teacher,doctor, Engeneer ,sportsman, actor or wherever beacuse your answer according to your work, I can't write all works but Its confirme every one engange in any work. what is work why we can see there are two type of peple in any field, One who are devoted for work what task company assigns him on other hand other who want to change or swich his career. As I observe who engage in his work day by day he become master of his field and it seems that he was born only for such work or that work is made only for him every step in his work is plan accordingly.
We all want lucrative life for it we expect handsome salary and reputated job which is desired by eveyone we can see every year million students apply for IIT and IIM ,very few of them selected so whats it's mean who are failed on such tough eaxm called failure, NO they leanrt a new concepts.
Goal is very important for life and it is very crucial for most of us that whats our goal 'your interest makes your goal' before making goal you should ask one question to yourself what you really want to do ?If you like cooking make your career in cooking,If you like to hair cut ,complete a diploma in salon field beacuse it is the most important thing that the work that you are doing ,will you get internal satisfaction or just do for your basic need and physical comfort. Some people want to change their job or business but they have a phobia If will fail ?
So risk abilty is also a factor that play a vital role in your life I just want to say whatever cirmuatnces come in your life listen your heart and do what you really want because your interest make you more productive this productivity convert into success because no one defeat you your field and by choosing only one path your competitors are reduced.
So be honest yourself and do what you actually want to do mean you should be satisfied internally.Trust me no one defeat you and you become sucuessful so if someone  ask you this question what you do?- you should reply what my heart says.
Thanks for Reading
Umesh6 Mishra