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An AI Blog by MishraUmesh07

Sale of religions

'God made world man made country' but. I say man made Relegion and they start fight with each other which is cause of destruction and backwards.
More than 4k relegions in the world they have different faith, culture and customs. Indian subcontinent is the birthplace of four mazor religion Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Throughout India's History, religions tolereance are both established in the country's culture. The constitution of India had declared the right to freedome of relegion which we can't see in Arab country where other regions has no right to celebrate festival publicaly.
Northwest India was home to one of the world's oldest civilizations, Indus Vally.

I strongly believe that every religion must be respected by people because if a person acts something wrong it is not fault of religion it's his fault. Religion teach us live with unity help each other, share same ideas and values so that we live happily and peacefully.

I disappointed when I got news mazority of  communal country hurt minority behalf of religion and forcefully convert them into other religion. Why they sale their religion? 

We should never leave our religion beacuse it's our real identify and reason why we born!