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Wolves vs Liverpool

Football( Soccer ) is one of the most popular  games in the world more than half of population in the wrold love football. It is game of one ball and two Goalpost players hit the ball and try to hit goal that is called  Football. 

In Europe and America  players play for particular  club. Two of them are Wolves and Liverpool A match between both club were last played on was played on 17 January 2023.in which Liverpool  beat Wolves.

Who is the happiest person ?

Even the Ocean can't  quench  the thirst of a greedy creature, men divided  geographic boundary  and all the natural resources according  to their  needs even we all know we will take nothing with us except  good deed what we are doing for others when we leave nobody though we trap with these materialistic  world. M.K. Gandhi once Said  "people have enough for their  need but not for greed".

One who are greedy zealous,  aggressive, dishonest  desirable,  miser , overthinker always stuck with sorrow and pain may be he has all the worldly  weather or assest.if we want to live happily  we must admit whatever  the materialistic things we earn by our
 intellectual skills and hardwork they all never exist  permanently in our life. The happiest person who knows life is one and it's for other may be win or loose  nothing in our hand. Satisfaction  is the Supreme  identity  of the happiest one whether you lose ever thing or you conquer  the world if you are calm and peaceful  after  these trough and crest Noone happier than you in entire universe.

Why Adidas claimed against Thom Browne

It's war of trade mark between  Sports Giants company Adidas and American luxury  brand Thom Browne.Adidad claimed that the four strip of Thom Browne look similar to three strip of Adidas  and Adidas filed a case against Thom Browne. Browne favored itself and said that his brand has distinct  number of strip and colour also different  from Adidas therfore  all the copy right are void. 
NewYork Jury decided in Favour of Browne because Browne's four strip are parallel  and horizontal that round it's garment while Adidas  use three strip only.
Before 15 years when Browne used to three strip on on Jackets  Adidas  immediately against it because  it was too similar to Adidas  strip. Adidas file case against  luxury  brand in 2008 and till then there nothing  between  them in 2018 again some similarly  Giant company  Adidas  noticed while Browne  said that they design  products according  to customer  choices, and we care the respect of other too.
There are more than  200 argument  and settlement  between  both brand till now.

Global Teacher Prize : Highest Honour For Teacers

Global Teacher Prize world greatest award for teachers it is started  by Varkey Foundation, first  award was started in 2015  8 years ago at that time the prize money was around 1 million dollar.
Nancie  Atwell was an English  teacher who were selected  for it.

List of all teachers who were awarded  
1.Nancie Atwell (English  Teacher)  2015
2.Hanan Al Hroub (Palestinian Teacher)2016
3.Maggie Mcdonald (Innuit Teacher)2017
4.Andria Zafirakou(Art and Textile Teacher)2018
5. Peter Tabichi (Science  Teacher) 2019
6.Ranjitsingh Disale (Indian Maths )2020
7. Keishia Thorpe (English  Teacher)2021
8.Mr. Lalit Mohan Sahu (Indian Teacher) 2022

Award Ceremony  of GTP in 2022 

3 most Dangerous Snakes In the World

1.The Indian Cobra (Nagraja)
It is the most poisonous  snake in the world is medium size founded in India Pakistan and SriLanka earlier it was believed  that it has single speacies  but now it is revealed has other speacies  in Asia.
It is between  4 feet to 6 feet yellowish to  Olive and Brown  colour.  The Indian cobra is a ground-dwelling hunter of rodents, frogs, and other small creatures. Active in the evening, it often lurks in places where rats are plentiful. 

2. The Black Mamba 
It's name derive blackened  present inside  mouth.it is found near Sahara Africa ,it is the second largest venomous  snakes after king Cobra.It is also known  as world  Fastest Snake.

Unfortunately  if it bite humen there is rare chance to escape with in 20 minute  victum looses the ability  of talk and by six hour he may die! You can see it in Snakes  Park in Nairobi.

3.The Saw scaled Wiper 
As it's name suggest  it has scale along It's lower body of the gap of 45 degree it spend hot days in burrow this snakes is known  as deadliest snake in the world , because it respossible  for more human death than any other snakes bites.
The scientific name of this snakes  is Echis Carinata it has some variant  a green saw scaled Wiper  is non venomous.

4 Best Online Grocery Shopping Apps

Online Grocery  business  is one of the most demanding business  in the world because most of people want to stay at home due to harsh climate conditions. 
In online business  there are no mediator  who are greedy for commission  the result of it consumers get Benfit directly.as you can see a huge discount  on this almond packets.
There are so many daily  use products  we can buy like Rice , Oil, Ghee , Packeged  Food , Dry Fruits and Bakery  Products .

Here the list of 4 Best Grocery  apps : 
One the most popular  apps in North America it covers more than half part of America and Canada. 

It is also a US retail based company  it has partnership  with Macdonald's and Starbucks and many more. 
It delivered any product in America with an Hour due to faste delivery  feature it is one the most popular app.

It has great model of business , it has multiple  feature that no other app offers . It has buy again options means customer  purchased any product previously  can but it again.

BB is one of the most popular Grocery app in india more than 18000 products  come under Big Basket more than 1000 brand selling products are also listed in BB 

How America was discoverd In 14 century

The most powerful country in the world United State of America. USA is a federal republic (    federal republic is federation of States which us a republican  form of government. Means a country which is governed by elected representatives.      It consists 50 States.

History of New Year

New year brings New energy  , Happiness and Joy We all celebrate  every New year of our life with great enthusiasm  Do You know when first new year was celebrated ? Around 2000 BCE The earliest known record of a New Year festival dates from about 2000 bce in Mesopotamia, where in Babylonia the new year (Akitu) began with the new moon after the spring equinox (mid-March) and in Assyria with the new moon nearest the autumn equinox.

The modern new year was celebrate  in Kiribati Samoa and Tonga near Pacific  Ocean.
Most of countries start celebration  on 31 December  people come on road fire crackers , drink beverages and Go to Pub , Club or Their favorite  destinations 

Kiribati Or Kirimari is the first country which celebrates new year earliest.

Every year people make lot of promises for goodness and they try to withdraw their bad habits like drinking  too much alcohol  or hurt any one , even the mistakes  those they have done during their last year they hope to not repeat them again.
What are your promises  for this year which you want and what are the goals of your new year I think you should write all those crucial promises  and fulfill them 
Bringing Happiness one of the most crucial mantra for a beautiful  life we must spread Happiness  in our surrounding.
Wish You all happy  New Year !