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OpenAI's Confusion not good for AI Safety: Microsoft Board

OpenAI's Team Disturbance is not Good for AI Safety, Says Microsoft 

Speculation surrounding Sam Altman's departure from OpenAI raised eyebrows, with suggestions of a "dangerous" revelation at the ChatGPT helm. However, Brad Smith clarified to the BBC that the surprising dismissal didn't hinge on such concerns. Notably, Microsoft, the primary investor in OpenAI, extended an offer to hire Altman, showcasing the intricate dynamics at play before his recent reinstatement at the organization.

Amidst the unfolding drama, a profound spotlight illuminated the influence of commercial competition on the trajectory of AI system development and the rapid pace of technological advancement. Notable tech figures, including Elon Musk, owner of X, hinted at the notion that the termination and subsequent reinstatement of Mr. Altman were rooted in disagreements over AI safety.

Contrary to these speculations, Brad Smith, in conversation with the BBC, dismissed the idea, asserting that the divergence between the board and others was the primary factor. Emphasizing the resilience of the OpenAI-Microsoft partnership, Smith pointed out the installation of a new board.

Mr. Altman, a co-founder of OpenAI, rose to prominence as the face of the groundbreaking ChatGPT chatbot launched last year. Securing a substantial $13 billion investment from Microsoft played a pivotal role in propelling the company forward. Altman's initial dismissal led to Microsoft offering him a leadership role in a new advanced AI research team, only to witness a company-wide revolt with over 700 employees threatening to join him at Microsoft unless he was reinstated.

The reasons behind Altman's sacking remain undisclosed, with the board citing a lack of consistent candor in communications as the basis for their loss of confidence in his leadership.

Brad Smith, unveiling a £2.5 billion investment in advanced data centers in the UK, highlighted the opportunities for innovation and competition between Microsoft, Google, and others. He expressed confidence that supporting OpenAI would further advance these prospects.

He addressed  a concerns about AI surpassing human capabilities within the next year, Smith dismissed the notion, asserting that the advent of artificial general intelligence, where computers outpace human capabilities, is not imminent. Instead, he posited that such advancements would take years, if not decades, to materialize

Jobs At OpeAI:World's Largest Artificial Intelligence Company is giving Career Opportunity

After one Week hustle OpenAI  announced more than 40 Jobs in Company OpenAI is Building safe Artificial General Intelligence to serve Humanity.

MAIN Focus of OpenAI is To Serve Humanity 

OpenAI is trying to artificial intelligence to serve Humanity in positive way for it AI is trained with knowledge and respect so that it reply users politely and respectfully.  Anything that does not work means it is beyond the scope. You can also part of Humanity by getting job in OpenAI 

Building Something Extraordinary Requires Hard and Smart Work. 

Careers in Artificial Intelligence  now most demanding in developed countries. OpenAI plays a lead role in the in field of Artificial intelligence.
OpenAI's chatbot ChatGPT is an exceptional example of hardwork and dedication. So if you are applying for job at OpenAI remember Everything that they choose is crucial.


OpenAI believe in their models, system, Process and their Ambition that's why OpenAI scale ul their stuff regularly. 

What users need,OpenAI Make

Always belive that products and services help people.More it helps more in demands. Technology fascinate youngster and with the help of artificial intelligence they can groom their career in OpenAI .

Team at OpenAI

We all know the about ChatGPT this would be never possible by one man so
 OpenAI 's biggest advances, and differentiation, come from effective collaboration in and across teams. Although OpenAI's teams have increasingly different identities and priorities, the overall purpose and goals have to remain perfectly aligned.
Because of the teams AI can achieve exceptional achievement.

Career at OpenAI 

Here are the following Jobs opportunity for Experienced and Freshers,one can apply direct by given link.

If You are an Employee of OpenAI ,Following Benefits For You :

For Employees

1.Health, dental, and vision insurance
2.Mental healthcare support and services
Commuter benefits
3.Domestic conference budget for each Employee 

Life and Family 

1.Flexible working hours
2.20 weeks paid parental leave
3.Life and AD&D insurance
4.Fertility treatment and family planning coverage
5.Flexible spending account for healthcare and dependent care

Culture and Development 

1.Annual learning & development stipend
2.Employee resource groups
3.Team-driven celebrations and events
4.Daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner
5.Freshly baked cookies

For Eligibility or Criteria go to the Link 

You have Never Seen Such beautiful Images of 8th Wonder in the World Angkor Wat Cambodia: Full Virtual Tour of Angkor Wat Temple

World's Largest Temple Angkor Wat becomes the 8th Wonder of The World Here we are sharing the most amazing images of Angor Wat 

Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in Cambodia in South-East Asia. It stretchs over s 400 km square. This area cover with forested area and Angkor Archaeological Park.

Angkor Archaeological Park contains the magnificent remains of the different capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century. They include the famous Temple of Angkor Wat and, at Angkor Thom, the Bayon Temple with its countless sculptural decorations. UNESCO has set up a wide-ranging programme to safeguard this symbolic site and its surroundings it declared 8th Wonder in the World. 

Create Your Own ChatGPT and Make Money From It Without Coding Knowledge: Custom GPT

Now You can use your Own ChatGPT, OpenAI just introduced GPTs these are customized GPT that anyone can build.

 Here the advantage of these GPTs are NO CODING is Required to  create them.

Creating Your Own GPT is very easy like you start a conversation with ChatGPT, and You can creat it for yourself, your company (You can also make money by using your own ChatGPT)

I guess it is very interesting for all of you ti creat your own ChatGPT and Make Money 

Custome Instructions and PlugIns in ChatGPT 
Custom Instructions features in ChatGPT, was came into July its Main aim to generate better responses and to  improve the output of ChatGPT.

Custom Instructions helped is control ChatGPT in few ways, we can't save multiple Custom Instructions in ChatGPT single time.

GPTs are a combination of Pre acquired knowledge, human conversation, Experience and Machine Learning its DALL-E help users to creat AI Images.

Here is a picture of created GPT 

I used the prompt: “Create a 2-panel comic on global warming using DALLE-3”

In its response, Comic GPT first gave detailed descriptions of the panels that it was going to create. It later shared images created based on the prompt. It is to be noted that this is not perfect, it was just our way of illustrating how a newly built GPT functions. Users can refine their prompts as needed to get the optimum outcomes.

Open AI Fired! Sam Click

Once you create your own ChatGPT without Coding knowledge you can share it with others in the ChatGPT store that will came to in November. You can also make money from it based on How Many People are Using Your Own GPT.

What kind of GPT suitable for You? 
You can use your Own creativity to create GPT according to your interest.

Watch This Video ! 
How to Creat Your Own ChatGPT  ?

Getting Sam Altman back as CEO of OpenAI was not peices of Cake.

It was not an easy task to make Sam Altman CEO of OpenAI again.Entire matter ended when Altman regain his Position as Chief Excellence Officer Of OpenAI.
Report Says,"It took more than 72 Hours to Make ChatGPT's Working.
OpenAI wrote, " I am deeply pleased by this result after 72 Hours. " 
Microsoft's CEO Mr. SATYA NADELA Offered Sam to Join Microsoft and he also took his favor. 
He Added 
This was the pathway that maximized safety alongside doing right by all stakeholders involved. I’m glad to have been a part of the solution,” Shear, whose designation on X still reads interim ex-CEO of OpenAI, added in a post on X after Altman was given back the top position.

After Termination of Altman Mira Murati became the CTO of OpenAI for 1 day and As the Permanente CEO took Shear took charge more than 72 Employees from OpenAI Gave Resigh.Even ChatGPT Is Also not perform Well.

Finally Sam Altman's OpenAI 5 Days Drama In OpenAI

Sam Altman back Again as CEO of OpenAI after five days drama.I think that qualifies as the craziest five days in Silicon Valley history. Now fired CEO Sam Altman is back as the CEO of OpenAI again.
When Sam Altman was Fired From OpenAI on the Friday before Thanksgiving, it might have thought the news would be quiet. It is, after all, one of the quietest news days of the business year. OpenAI's CTO Mira Murati as its new interim CEO only for 1 Day.

But a storm erupted on social media. No one understood why the board would fire what seemed to be a popular CEO who helped trigger the generative AI revolution just a year ago with the release of ChatGPT. That made it seem like the board that fired Steve Jobs from Apple.

On its face, the OpenAI firing seemed to me like one of the worst board moves of all time. Of course, Jobs was pretty unpopular at the time he was fired by CEO John Sculley and Apple was struggling in the market. It took years for Jobs to gain back his role as CEO of Apple, after he had matured as a leader.

After this what exactly happened in OpenAI 

Then What Illya reply on X 

Greg's  Post on X 

And Again Sam in Same Position 

What OpenAI  wrote at last ..

Sam Altman's Lecture On Stanford University about Startup for Successful Business

"How To Start A Startup?" Sam Altman on Stanford University Lecture 

This appears to be a transcript or introduction to a lecture by Sam Altman, the President of Y Combinator, on the topic of starting startups. The lecture is part of a class called CS183B, and Sam Altman mentions that Y Combinator has been teaching people how to start startups for nine years. The class aims to cover the generally applicable aspects of startup advice, even though much of it is specific to startups.

Sam Altman highlights that thirty percent of the content is generally applicable and can be taught in this class. He mentions that this is the first time much of what they teach will be on the record, and they have invited guest speakers who have been involved in the creation of billion-dollar companies.

The advice given in the class is geared towards those starting a business with the goal of hyper growth and building a very large company. Sam Altman emphasizes that this advice may not apply to big companies or non-startups and that startups are very different from normal companies. The lecture aims to provide an overview of the four areas necessary for success in a startup.

If you have specific questions or if you want to explore the annotations made by others, it suggests visiting the lecture page on Genius, where you can click on highlights to see comments and insights.

Section 1: The Genesis of Y Combinator

To understand Altman's perspective, one must first trace the roots of Y Combinator. As the head of this renowned startup accelerator, Altman brought a unique blend of experience and vision to the lecture. Highlighting his own journey from a Stanford student to a startup founder and investor, Altman set the stage for an exploration of the dynamics that fuel innovation and growth.

Section 2: The Unveiling of Startup Secrets

Altman, known for his candid approach, began by acknowledging the exclusivity of the content he was about to share. Having previously kept much of Y Combinator's teachings off the record, this lecture marked a groundbreaking moment. Attendees, both physically present and virtual, were on the cusp of gaining unprecedented access to the secrets that had steered 725 startups towards success.

Section 3: The Thirty Percent Rule

At the heart of Altman's discourse lay the concept of the thirty percent. While much of Y Combinator's teachings were tailored to the unique challenges of startups, Altman contended that thirty percent of the advice possessed universal applicability. This revelation opened a gateway for aspiring entrepreneurs to grasp essential principles that could be harnessed irrespective of the industry or business model.

Section 4: Guest Speakers and Billion-Dollar Insights

Altman's strategic inclusion of guest speakers, all instrumental in birthing billion-dollar companies, added a layer of real-world credibility to the lecture. Attendees were treated to talks that transcended theory, offering tangible insights from individuals who had navigated the tumultuous waters of startup creation. This section delves into the impactful narratives shared by these speakers, providing readers with a taste of the invaluable wisdom imparted.

Section 5: The Startup Divergence

A critical juncture in Altman's speech was his explicit acknowledgment of the divergence between startups and traditional corporations. Aspiring entrepreneurs were forewarned that the advice dispensed in the lecture might not find resonance in larger enterprises. Altman's emphasis on understanding this dichotomy laid the groundwork for the subsequent exploration of the four key areas essential for startup success.

Section 6:The Four Pillars of Startup Success

In the core of Altman's lecture were the four pillars that he deemed indispensable for startups aiming at hyper growth and the creation of large-scale companies. This section provides an in-depth analysis of each pillar, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the facets that demand mastery for those daring to embark on the startup journey.

Idea Generation and Validation: 

Altman underscores the significance of not just having an idea but validating it in the real world. He shares insights into how Y Combinator identifies and refines ideas, emphasizing the need for entrepreneurs to immerse themselves in the problem they seek to solve.

Execution Excellence: 

Altman dives into the nuances of executing a startup vision with excellence. Drawing on his experiences, he explores the critical aspects of building a high-performing team, making data-driven decisions, and adapting swiftly to the ever-evolving landscape of the business world.

Hyper Growth Strategies: 

The very essence of a startup is its potential for hyper growth. Altman delves into strategies that fuel this rapid expansion, touching upon topics like user acquisition, product-market fit, and scaling. Through real-world examples, he illustrates how startups can strategically position themselves for exponential growth.

Building a Resilient Culture: 

Culture, according to Altman, is the glue that holds startups together during the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. This section explores the elements of a resilient startup culture, emphasizing transparency, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Section 7: The Future of Startups

As Altman concludes his lecture, he propels the audience into the future of startups. He shares his vision for the role startups play in shaping the business landscape and challenges aspiring entrepreneurs to embrace the unique path of startup creation. This section encapsulates Altman's forward-looking insights, leaving readers inspired and equipped to navigate the ever-evolving startup ecosystem.

At Last: 

Sam Altman's speech at Stanford in his quest to unravel the secrets of starting a startup stands as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs. This blog post has endeavored to distill the essence of Altman's lecture, offering readers a comprehensive exploration of the wisdom shared during this transformative event. As the startup landscape continues to evolve, Altman's insights serve as a timeless guide for those daring enough to embark on the exhilarating journey of entrepreneurship.

OpenAI board in discussions with Sam Altman to return as CEO Report

Conversations are underway between the OpenAI board and Sam Altman regarding his potential return as the company's CEO, as reported by individuals with knowledge of the situation. Sources suggest that Altman, who was unexpectedly dismissed by the board last Friday without prior notice, holds mixed feelings about resuming the role and would seek substantial governance modifications as a condition for his return

As of November 18th at 5:35 PM PT, a reliable insider reveals that there was initial consensus within the board to step down, granting Altman and Brockman the opportunity to make a comeback. However, there has been a recent hesitation, causing a missed critical 5 PM PT deadline, leading to the potential resignation of numerous OpenAI employees. Should Altman opt to depart and embark on a new venture, it's highly likely that these dedicated staffers will follow suit.

In the latest update on November 19th at 11:50 AM PT, following the revelation that OpenAI is actively working to bring back Altman and amid the board's indecision, Chief Strategy Officer Jason Kwon communicated to the team that there is an "optimistic" outlook regarding Altman's return, promising further details on Sunday morning. Simultaneously, a multitude of OpenAI staff expressed their endorsement of Altman on platform X, using heart emojis to convey their support. Stay tuned for additional developments by following our ongoing updates here.

The swift initiation of discussions between Altman and OpenAI merely a day after his removal underscores the organization's apparent descent into uncertainty in his absence. Shortly after Altman's departure, Greg Brockman, the former board chairman and president of OpenAI, tendered his resignation, sparking conversations between the two about the possibility of launching a new venture. On Friday, a series of high-profile researchers also stepped down, with insiders revealing that additional departures are on the horizon, signaling a turbulent period for OpenAI.

OpenAI's Largest Investor Microsoft says,"Sam is an Ambivalent" 

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has reached out to express unwavering support for Altman in his upcoming ventures. According to insiders divulging details to Bloomberg, Nadella was taken by surprise with the board's decision. The assurance from Nadella underscores a strong backing for Altman as he navigates future endeavors.

Despite OpenAI's primary investor, Microsoft, affirming its ongoing commitment to the partnership following Altman's dismissal, the decision to remove him was executed without prior notice or input from the company's investors. Altman, being the prominent figurehead and leading voice in the AI landscape, leaves OpenAI's future hanging in uncertainty. This development comes at a crucial juncture when competitors are aggressively striving to keep pace with the remarkable ascent of ChatGPT, underscoring the challenges that lie ahead for OpenAI.

Altman's potential return discussions with the board, OpenAI's spokesperson remained silent. Similarly, a Microsoft spokesperson opted not to provide any comments on the matter. The hushed responses from both entities add an air of mystery to the unfolding situation surrounding Altman's possible return, leaving observers to speculate on the intricacies of the discussions.

OpenAI's current board includes Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever, Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo, former GeoSim Systems CEO Tasha McCauley, and Helen Toner, the Director of Strategy at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology. Unlike traditional corporate boards, their focus isn't on maximizing shareholder value, and none of them have equity in OpenAI. Instead, their mission is to ensure the development of "broadly beneficial" artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Sutskever, a co-founder of OpenAI and leader of its researchers, played a pivotal role in the recent removal of Altman, as reported by multiple sources. This suggests a potential power struggle between the research and product aspects of the company.

Who is Ilya Sutskever, the man at the center of OpenAI’s leadership

The chief scientist at OpenAI has played a pivotal role in the company's achievements, and there's a growing concern on their part regarding the safety of artificial intelligence.

As the news of a leadership overhaul at OpenAI unfolds, focus intensifies on a central figure in the narrative: Ilya Sutskever. Apart from being the chief scientist of the company, Sutskever holds a position on the OpenAI board that recently removed CEO Sam Altman. The reasoning behind Altman's removal was somewhat cryptic, with the board stating that Altman had not been consistently forthcoming. This enigmatic assertion has sparked heightened speculation and interest in the unfolding dynamics at OpenAI.

In the fast-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, certain figures emerge not only as experts but as architects shaping the very foundations of the field. Ilya Sutskever, the chief scientist at OpenAI, stands prominently in this cohort, his journey a tapestry woven with technological innovation and leadership acumen.

Born in Moscow, Russia, Sutskever's early foray into the realms of computer science hinted at a prodigious talent. As a student, he demonstrated an exceptional aptitude for mathematical and algorithmic problem-solving, foreshadowing the profound impact he would later have on the field of artificial intelligence. His academic journey led him to the University of Toronto, where he completed his Ph.D. under the guidance of Geoffrey Hinton, a luminary in the realm of deep learning.

Sutskever's association with Hinton proved transformative. The duo, along with Alex Krizhevsky, co-authored the seminal research paper on deep learning titled "ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks." This work laid the groundwork for the deep learning revolution, catalyzing a paradigm shift in how machines comprehend and process information. The ImageNet competition victory in 2012 marked a watershed moment, establishing Sutskever as a rising star in the AI community.

His insatiable curiosity and penchant for pushing boundaries became evident as he co-founded OpenAI in 2015 alongside luminaries like Elon Musk and Sam Altman. OpenAI's mission to ensure artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity resonated with Sutskever's ethos. As the chief scientist, he played a pivotal role in steering OpenAI towards its ambitious goals.

Sutskever's impact extended beyond his technical contributions. His leadership style, characterized by a balance of visionary thinking and pragmatic execution, earned him the respect of peers and subordinates alike. Under his guidance, OpenAI embarked on projects that sought not just technical excellence but a conscientious approach to AI ethics and safety.

However, recent developments have thrust Sutskever into the spotlight in a different capacity. The ousting of CEO Sam Altman, an announcement met with speculation and intrigue, positioned Sutskever at the center of the unfolding narrative. Serving on the OpenAI board that made the decision, Sutskever and his colleagues cryptically cited Altman's lack of consistent candor as the impetus for the leadership change.

This move has prompted industry observers to delve deeper into Sutskever's role within OpenAI and the dynamics at play. The enigmatic nature of Altman's removal leaves room for interpretation, and Sutskever, known for his measured and thoughtful approach, is likely to navigate this situation with a blend of transparency and strategic reserve.

Beyond the current intrigue, Sutskever's journey is a testament to the symbiotic relationship between technical prowess and leadership acumen in the realm of artificial intelligence. As OpenAI navigates through this transition, Sutskever's influence will undoubtedly continue to shape the trajectory of the organization and, by extension, the broader landscape of AI research and development.

In the ever-evolving narrative of Ilya Sutskever, a multifaceted character emerges — a brilliant scientist, a visionary leader, and now, a central figure in a narrative that adds a layer of complexity to his already storied career. The chapters that unfold from here will undoubtedly contribute to the evolving legacy of one of AI's most influential figures.

However, the story took an intriguing turn when Tesla's visionary CEO, Elon Musk, entered the scene. Musk, a vocal advocate for cautious AI development, had been expressing concerns about the lack of attention to AI safety, particularly at Google. Musk, who had been sounding alarms about AI dangers for years, became increasingly uneasy about the concentration of AI talent at Google, especially after its acquisition of DeepMind in 2014.

Elon Musk, propelled by his commitment to ensuring responsible AI practices, convinced Sutskever to depart from Google in 2015. Musk's vision was to establish OpenAI, initially conceived as a nonprofit, to serve as a counterbalance to Google's dominance in the AI domain. However, the relationship between Musk and OpenAI later soured, as the organization pivoted away from its nonprofit status, securing substantial investments from Microsoft. Elon Musk, resilient and forward-thinking, has since ventured into the AI landscape with Grok, a competitor to OpenAI's ChapGPT.

In this intricate dance of talent, technology, and vision, Sutskever's trajectory reflects the dynamic nature of the AI industry. From the corridors of Google's innovative hub to the frontier of ethical AI at OpenAI, his journey echoes the broader narrative of AI's evolution and the influential figures who shape its course. As the AI landscape continues to evolve, the interplay of personalities and principles in this space adds layers of complexity to the unfolding story of artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT Loses It's Best Fundraiser

The co-founder of OpenAI, who made waves a mere year ago with the unveiling of ChatGPT, Altman positions himself as the altruistic sorcerer orchestrating a technological marvel that has the potential to revolutionize entire industries and, some argue, reshape the course of humanity itself.

In a surprising twist, Sam Altman, the co-founder of OpenAI, found himself dethroned from his role as CEO and director on Friday. Just a year ago, Altman was hailed as the benevolent wizard orchestrating the technological marvel of ChatGPT, a creation that sparked widespread discussions about its potential to revolutionize entire industries and even reshape humanity. However, the unexpected decision by OpenAI's board marked a significant turn of events, casting Altman aside from his leadership positions within the organization.

In an unexpected development on November 17, the directors of OpenAI, now valued at approximately US$80 billion, removed co-founder Sam Altman from his CEO and director positions. The decision was attributed to a perceived failure in maintaining consistent transparency in communications, though specific details were not immediately disclosed.

OpenAI assured its staff of continued stability post-Altman, but the departure of the Silicon Valley luminary, renowned for leading Y Combinator, leaves a significant void in the company's fundraising efforts. Sustaining the software incurs tangible costs, requiring skilled engineers, a resource that gravitated towards Altman.

Altman, aged 38, remained upbeat during his tenure at OpenAI. Just days before the announcement, he engaged with attendees at an AI conference in San Francisco and participated in a panel discussion at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Meanwhile, the board deliberated on his fate.

Addressing his departure on Elon Musk's AI-focused platform, X, Altman expressed appreciation for working with talented individuals and hinted at revealing future plans. Notably, Altman played a pivotal role in securing a $10 billion commitment from Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, driving OpenAI's valuation from $29 billion to over $80 billion.

His influence extended to attracting top-tier AI engineering talent in a fiercely competitive market. Altman successfully recruited professionals from industry giants like Google and Microsoft, enticing them with promises of involvement in groundbreaking technology.

Despite concerns surrounding the potential dystopian impact of AI, Altman dismissed the need for "heavy regulation" in the near term. He acknowledged that regulations might become relevant when AI models reach a scale equivalent to an entire company, a country, or the entire world, emphasizing the evolving nature of the technology.

Born and raised in the vibrant city of St. Louis, Missouri, Mr. Altman's educational journey took a distinctive turn as he ventured into Stanford University for a single year, aligning himself with a tradition prevalent among tech luminaries who opted for unconventional paths by eschewing formal degrees. Apart from his notable contributions to OpenAI, Altman recently embarked on a groundbreaking venture this year—a cryptocurrency firm introducing an avant-garde method of iris scanning for identity verification.

His propensity for ambitious and visionary undertakings found resonance within the tech community, particularly among engineers weary of the conventional confines of established tech giants.

A blog post from three years ago revealed Altman's philosophy, asserting that being misunderstood by the majority is not a weakness but a strength, provided one is on the right trajectory. According to Altman, this misunderstood status grants a unique space for him and a select group of rebels to confront and unravel crucial problems that might otherwise remain unaddressed in the technological landscape.