S.No. | Name of the Exam | Eligible Student | Syllabus | Website |
1. | NTSE (National Talent Search Exam) | 10th class students | Science, Maths, Social, Mental ability | |
2. | KYPY (Kishor Vygnanika Proshaah Yogena) | Inter (MPC/BIPC) | Inter syllabus | |
3. | HBBVS (Dr. Homi Baba bala vidyanic spertha) | 6 TO 9TH class students | CBSE/ICSE Syllabus | |
4. | NSO (National Science Olympiad) | 1 to 12th class students | CBSE/ICSE Syllabus | |
5. | NCO (National Cyber Olympiad) | 1 to 12th class | CBSE/ICSE Syllabus | |
6. | UCO (Unified Cyber Olympiad) | 8 to 12 th class students | Mental ability, Reasoning, Computer skills | |
7. | NSTSE (National level Science Talent search Exam) | 1 to 12th class students | CBSE/ICSE Syllabus | |
8. | IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) | 1 to 12th class students | CBSE/ICSE Syllabus | |
9. | NSEIS (National Standard Exam in Junior Science) | 1 to 10th class students | CBSE/ICSE Syllabus | |
10. | RMO (Regional Mathematics Olympiad) | Intermediate | CBSE Syllabus | |
11. | IOEL (International Olympiad of English Language) | 1 to 12th class students | CBSE/ICSE Syllabus | |
12. | India Computing Olympiad | 8 to 12th class students | CBSE Syllabus | |
13. | IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics) | 1 to 8th class students | CBSE/ICSE/SCERT Syllabus | |
14. | NIMO (National Interactive Mathematics Olympiad) | 5 to 12th class students | Maths, Science, Mental Ability | |
15. | NBTO (National Bio-Technology Olympiad) | 5 to 12th class students | CBSE/ICSE/SCERT Syllabus | |
16. | IGO (Indian Geography Olympiad) | 2 to 12th class students | CBSE Syllabus | |
17. | KO (Knowledge Olympiad) | 2 to 12th class students | CBSE/ICSE/SCERT Syllabus | |
18. | ISO (International Science Olympiad) | 1st to 10th class students | State board, International board, ICSE & CBSE Syllabus | |
19. | EIO (English International Olympiad) | 1st to 10th class students | State board, International board, ICSE & CBSE Syllabus | |
20. | GKIO (General Knowledge International Olympiad) | 1st to 10th class students | State board, International board, ICSE & CBSE Syllabus | |
21. | ICO (International Computer Olympiad) | 1st to 10th class students | State board, International board, ICSE & CBSE Syllabus | |
22. | IDO (International Drawing Olympiad) | 1st to 10th class students | State board, International board, ICSE & CBSE Syllabus | |
23. | NESO (National Essay Olympiad) | 1st to 10th class students | State board, International board, ICSE & CBSE Syllabus | |
24. | NSSO (National Social Studies Olympiad) |