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Facebook Name Changed : New Name Is....

Mark Zuckerberg anounced thursday to evolove the Name of Facebook to Meta 

When You open Your facebook Account you may see this 
"Connection is evolving and so are We" 

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Share their Vision for the  Meta version ,the next evolution of social technology,buit by people by us.

There are so many new features are availble in Meta yiu can feel virtual reality in his Evolution 
I hope people love new Version of Facebook!

Somnath : The wealthiest temple of india during till 12 Centuray

Gujarat the vibrant state of india is famous for its natural beauty and hindu piligrimage ,Somnath is one the 12 Jyotirlinga of lord Shiva it is located in Varaval Gujarat 

History Of Somnath
Som is Sanskrit synonyms of Moon Nath means God, meaning of Sommath is the god of Moon. First te it was built by unknown source second time temple was built by Yadava King of Vallabhi around 649 CE.
In 725 the Arab Governor Al Junaid destroyed the temple , Naghbhatta II the Gurjar-Pratihar King rebulit temple in 815 CE. 
In 1024 during the rule of Bhima I ,  turkish most cruel invader Mahmud of Ghazni attacked on Gujarat and looted Somnath he took more than 20 billion Dinar of that time and carried al wealth of Somnath by 5000 Camels! 
By 1665 Many mughals orders came to destroy this holyshrine under the mughal Ruler Aurangzeb. Maratha fought aganist Mughal for the protection of Somnath.
In 1950 -1951
Before  independence Varaval was the part of Junagadh state whose rule under the Pakistan after Independence deputy Prime Minister Vallabh Bhai Patel merge it in India 
In 1950 Indian army and other was orders to reconstruct the temple again.
Thanks For Reading this blog I am waiting for your suggetions 

Junagarh : The Heritage Of India

'Dhanya Dhara Gujarat Ni'  this quote is exactly fit For Junagadh.
Junagadh is a city of Indian State Gujarat located at the feet of Girnar Hills 355 Km from Ahmdabad. It is the seventh largest city of India.

The city is located between Somnath and Dwarka, it is around 60 Km away from Gir National Park 

Earlier It was ruled by Mauryan Dynasty in 319 BCE by Chandrgupta Maurya. It was also a centre of attraction for Jainism and Buddhism.
Later Chudasama Dynasty ruled here. The Uparkot Fort of Junagadh was captured by Chudasama , at that time Gujarat was known as Saurastra.

Sultan Mahmud Begada changed the name of Junagadh to Mustafabad.
My Journey at Junagadh 
I started my journey from Botad ( a city near Bhavnagar) by bike, I reached At Gir National Park on 6th September 2021 and stayed there for three days WE made plan to visit junagadh on 9the september after 2 hours nonstop journey we reach Junagadh sorrounded by beautiful hills and green plants 

I cant explain the beauty of nature but I was the true witness of it. 
We booked a room and plan to climb 10000 stairs.  I was shocked after 100 stairs because the height of each stair about half feet and surface some here very large.
The saddest part of my journey was i couldn't climb all stairs due to adverse weather. 
The entire climbing was amazing i saw many langoors while climbing 

Gir National Fotest: Land Of Lions

Gir : The home of asiatic Lions , Besides Africa , Gir National Park Sasan Gujarat Only plave where you can spot lions roaming free im the world.It is situated 60 Km from Junagarh Distric.
During Kingship in India Huntimg was main adventure for Royal Families later Britishers alsp followed same tradition due to continuos hunting numbers of Lion and other Big Cats deavsted rapidly which was anxious for Ecology postindepent  Indian Government took mamy crucial step to save wildlife. The Government notified the large geographical extent of sasan Gir as wildlife santuary on 18 September , 1965 in order to conserve asiatic lion.
It cover total area around 1412 square kilometers of which 258 km core area for national park..
Where to Live 
Singh Sadan A unit of Govt. Provide you best facility to stay here which is in Gir a large area cover with natural beauty 

The entire fotest area of Gir National park is dry and deciduuous which is provide best habitat for Asiatc lion, As per the new static record more than 500 lion 300 leopards are here. Apart from these two animals two different species of Deer You can see here 
 Wild Boar

WHY Bharat is Called India?

The name derive ultimately Sanskrit works Sindhu river which is also known as Indus River .For Persian Sindhu was equivalent as Hindus. Earlier India. Is used by Lucian this is an Old English Word in 9th century then it use  again in 17th century. 

According to Puranas, our motherland is known as Bharat and it is also derived from the name of Emperor Bharat, a son of King Dushyant and queen Shakuntala. The term Bharat Khand or Kshetra used in Vedas, Mahabharat, Ramayan and Purans is the region of present South Asia.

Second phase of Corona In india

It was considered as Masterstroke earlier when India executed lockdown, initially, corona cases were meagre on July 2020 cases were rapidly growing then soon the situation was under the control. By February 2021 Covid cases were rarely found. It was a kind of victory for the Government soon government start to unlock all sector so that economy may come on track. In the first phase liquor shops were opened one can learn those huge ques in front of the wine shop. Then soon gymnasium theatres and other sectors demand unlocking because already they suffer one year in their business till March 2021 situation had become normal.

Now cases of corona patients increase rampantly yet vaccination is continued question is that what are main causes which spread Covid Again India currently has the  largest number of confirmed cases in Asia. 
It is the most serious problem now still we are not aware Political rallies, election meetings are still not stopped I believe people can be innocent but these.  all activities held under the neck of the government system.
Social distancing, mask, sanitiser have become outdated.

Suez Canal: Bloked !

One of the busiest navigation Suez Canal is blocked due to a heavy Goods carrier Ship weight around 160 Lakh Ton.

Ever Given is a Golden-class container ship, one of the largest container ships in the world. The ship is owned by Shoei Kisen Kaisha, and time chartered and operated by Taiwanese container transportation and shipping company Evergreen Marine.

Ever given more than 200 ships were stuck there is no space for navigation, Length of the canal around 193 KM and width around 78M  
 it is situated in Egypt.

First Indian woman President of Oxford University

Rashmi Samant an Indian girl was elected as president of Oxford Student Union ( OSU) in Oxford University was resigned due to controversy over her past. 
People troll him her mother Tweeted 'Jai Sri Ram ' 
They blamed her that she is a 'communal girl ' 

Some of Rashmi Samant's old social media posts had emerged, which were branded as "racist" and "insensitive".
These included a holocaust reference on a post during a visit to the Berlin Holocaust Memorial in Germany in 2017 and an Instagram caption on a picture of herself in Malaysia that read "Ching Chang", which upset Chinese students

Best way to nurture your children beyond school

The most crucial phase of life to make your child and educated, all over the countries in the world update their education system so that child nurture effectively. 

"Children are the most valuable assets of any country in the world"

Ensure each child is valued, respected, feels safe and secure and develops a positive self  concept 
• Enable a sound foundation for physical and motor development of each child- as per each child’s potential 
• Imbibe good nutrition routines, health habits, hygiene practices and self help skills 
• Enable children for effective communication and foster both receptive and expressive language 
• Promote development and integration of the senses 
• Stimulate intellectual curiosity and develop conceptual understanding of the world around by providing opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment 

• Enhance development of pro-social skills, social competence and emotional well being 
• Develop sense of aesthetic appreciation and stimulate creative learning processes. 
• Imbibe culturally and developmentally appropriate behaviour and core human values of 
respect and love for fellow human beings. 

Lutyen's Delhi

Sir Edwins Lutyen (1869-1944) who made many architectural buildings in Delhi and design it during British Raj. 

Before the new imperial capital was established in 1911, the Old Delhi Railway Station served the Agra-Delhi railways, the line cut through what is today called Lutyens' Delhi. The line was eventually shifted to make way for the new capital and the New Delhi Railway Station was built near Ajmeri Gate in 1926.

Source : Internet 

Googloholic Education

In ancient time teacher was the supreme body of any society. He was the tycoon of knowledge hence teaching was the most respectable profession. During 19 century one can see a drastic change in education.
 18 to 19 century was known as Inventory Era so many modern machine were invented in that time. Prominent Scientists were   born to change society.
They worked day and night heartily to make their dreams true we can see aeroplane, Bulb, Gramophone, Radio these all were possible because of countless efforts of scientists
But today no one want to put efforts all of us want to prepared knowledge we search every single things in Google. We rely on it completely because we became googoloholic!

Internet Addition

Internet addiction is a common problem in university students and negatively affects cognitive functioning, leads to poor academic performance and engagement in hazardous activities, and may lead to anxiety and stress.
An Internet or computer addiction is the excessive use of the former or the latter. The latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) actually includes it as a disorder that needs further study and research. In a publication on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website, the study, which was conducted by the Department of Adult Psychiatry in the Poland Medical University, showed that Internet addiction was seen to be quite popular and common among young people, especially those who were only children. In fact, every fourth child is addicted to the Internet. This is an alarming statistic that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Now Same time came but people are anwared Social media a play vital role for any indain's life .For the first time, India has more internet users in rural areas than in urban cities. The latest report by the Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and Nielsen showed rural India had 227 million active internet users, 10% more than urban India’s about 205 million, as of November 2019. The numbers were boosted by the cheapest internet connections in the world.
In addition, there are around 71 million kids, aged 5-11 years, who go online using devices of family members. With this, India surpassed another milestone of having 504 million active internet users who are 5 years old or above — 53 million more than 451 million in March 2019. Active internet users are defined as those who use the internet at least once a month

More than 3.5 hour of a day an average people spend on these popular sites Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. 
They have a large market in world therefore they are coming with lucrative schemes so that people fascinate with these social sites. Your secure data are stored by these social platform. They sell it and make money we can't do anything because we have  addiction of social media. 

Mission ans Vision

Realizing Your Vision and Mission

Vision and mission statements provide schools with an essential overview of where they want to go and what they want to be. Few thriving schools or companies attained their success without developing such statements as elements of their school improvement plans or business plans. But merely drafting statements is not enough. To realize your school's vision and mission, you must model your school's beliefs, values, and collective commitments while demonstrating enthusiasm for what will come next. Perhaps most important, your vision and mission establish clear expectations and standards for your staff. We further discuss how to get the most out of your staff in the following chapter.

Getting Started

  • Identify and train vision and mission oversight teams.
  • If there are existing vision and mission statements, review them to determine their relevance and accuracy.
  • Devise a meaningful plan to involve the staff in either revising the existing vision and mission statements or creating new ones.
  • Ask probing questions to guide staff in developing their vision and mission.
  • Use data to identify areas that need improvement and establish SMART goals.
  • Recruit members for a school improvement plan team.

School Improvement Plan


The best way to identify the essential details for your school's SIP is to consult school staff during the SIP development process. If your school does not already have a prescribed format, you can use the following list as a starting point. These are all items that will add value to your SIP. Note that we are not suggesting you include everything in the list below in your SIP, nor do we claim that the list is a complete list of everything your school or school system needs to consider when developing its improvement plan:

  1. Cover page. This should include the title, your school's name, and the date.
  2. Committee member list. This should include the name and title of each member of the SIP team.
  3. State department vision and mission statements. Most state departments of education have a published vision and mission.
  4. School system vision and mission statements. Most school systems have a published vision and mission.
  5. The school's vision and mission statements. The overarching components of the school's vision and mission should fall within the parameters of the school system's vision and mission. If the school system does not have vision and mission statements, we still recommend that your school develop its own.
  6. School details and demographics. This includes school statistics on ethnicity; gender; English proficiency; economic status; educational designation (e.g., general education, gifted, special education, and twice exceptional); graduation rates; percentage of last year's students who enrolled in a two-year or four-year college or trade school; and enrollment in AP/IB courses.
  7. NCLB AYP Report Card or High-Stakes Report (depending on the state). If provided by the state, include a report of the most recent AYP results for your school by subject, grade, and subgroup status.
  8. School system goals and objectives (if available). These are typically created by the school board and/or the superintendent's office. They may be referred to as objectives or targets, among other descriptors.
  9. SIP calendar. The calendar should include the dates and times when the SIP team is expected to meet and when it is expected to deliver content and evidence of efforts and completion.
  10. Departmental goals. These goals focus on improving student achievement or delivery of services (for example, from the guidance department, the main office, and so on) specific to each department or team.
  11. Indicators of achievement. These are specific indicators or results that will be reviewed to determine effectiveness.
  12. Areas of focus. These include specific content areas, skills, standards, anchors, populations, and services that are targeted in the SIP.
  13. Action plans for each department or grade-level team. Each department's specific action plan includes data sources, point of contact, potential costs, staff development efforts, required materials, activities, and time line to put the action plan in place and measure its effect.

The sections of the school improvement plan that are specific to individual departments and grade-level teams should provide focus for each of the areas with regard to content delivery. For example, in our version, items 10–13 would include any department in the building. In this case, we use the math department as an example, which might have an overall goal such as "Student passing rates on the Geometry Standards of Learning [Virginia's year-end high-stakes assessment] will improve from 81 percent to 86 percent in the following year." In some cases, the goal may target certain populations, such as "The percentage of African American students successfully completing geometry will increase from 73 percent to 80 percent by the end of the following school year." Departments and grade-level teams should measure their efforts and indicators of effectiveness against these goals on a monthly basis to obtain objective information to fuel their discussions.

294Kg Mahatma Gandhi Statue was Collapsed in USA

A 294 kg bronze statue of Mahatma Gandhi was generalised by unknown people in US north California. Statue was gifted to US by India in 2016.
This malacias activity done by local people ( savage element) 

Image Credit internet 

suffix -phile Words

Hippophile: Lover of Horses 

Pluviophile: lover of Rain, person who enjoy  rainy very much 
Lexophile: Is a lover of words, especially in word games, puzzles, anagrams, palindromes, etc. Typically, a lexophile derives pleasure from using various words in his communication; he/she appreciates the shade, pronunciation surrounding different words. A lexophile is alert to synonyms, antonyms, homophones, and homonyms (two or more words having same spelling but different meaning) often using them for smart effect, sometimes in humour. Lexophiles are fast with learning new diction; they are witty with words and are great communicators.

Autophile: is one who loves himself/herself. An autophile is overly self-involved, and often useless and selfish. Autophile has been repurposed for car enthusiasts too.  The word is used for car freaks. The car freaks are too much in love with their vehicle. They go beyond the normalcy: they will wash, clean, paint their vehicle…… they can go beyond the maintenance of their car. They keep spending on their cars buying new spares, adding extra gadgets, in short, they over do for their cars.

Astrophile: Is a person who loves solitude, being alone. These people love their own company. They don’t crave for company of others. They are independent, they are enigmatic, and they are free people. They don’t like to get bogged down by others. They are happy being alone; they enjoy experiencing new places and making new friends around the world. They enjoy doing things by themselves. It’s fun to hear them talk about their lives, and their philosophies. They bring different things, different ideas to table.

Bibliophile:  The word “bibliophile” exactly means a lover of books (biblio). The term is often used to refer to people who simply like to read. They go on collecting books; they spend generously on purchasing books. But, the most precise interpretation of “bibliophile” is someone who loves books particularly for its shape, size, colour of the cover, font of the book etc. etc. They like to feel the book. I know of people who cover their books, index them, make a library of their books and don’t like to share them with others. Of course, most bibliophiles are great readers; they collect books because they love the narratives in them. For them books are like big investments and valuables.

Ceraunophile: Is a person who loves thunder and lightning. There people who love to dance outside in open during thunderstorms. They love them because they feel that there is nothing in the world that can equal the power of a thunderstorm. It’s an awe factor for them. They love to take pictures of lightning strikes. Ceraunophiles find majesty, power, and beauty in thunderstorms. They find something exhilarating about the rumbling thunder, powerful lightning, and the cleansing effect of heavy rain.
Chionophile: Is a person who loves cold weather and the snow fall. People have a love-hate relationship with chilled cold weather. Chinophiles like when the first snowfall hits, and the surrounding becomes snowy. They love gaping at the sky in wonder; they feel obsessed by the Earth’s ability to turn water into these icy sprinkles. They enjoy the blast of cold air when they open their doors and windows. They love to fill their lungs with the cold fresh air. They enjoy the tranquillity of walking along a quiet, frozen beach.

Clinophile: Is a lover of just sleeping in bed or reclining. Nothing interests a clinophile more than just sleeping in bed. They sleep because they feel that sleep will take all of those problems away from them. They don’t get bored with sleeping. They not only sleep in their bed, they sleep and have nap anywhere. They love their pajamas and blankets more than anything.  No matter what has happened during the day, good or bad, stressful or not, sleeping always makes them feel better. They believe that more sleep is always better than less sleep. In short, sleeping is their hobby. Call it beauty sleep, nap, snoozing, slumber, siesta, whatever you want, sleep is clinophile’s one and only true love. It just makes everything right for them.

Umesh Mishra

Advertising of new School

  1. KEEP boosting posts
  2. STOP worrying about sticking to your brand
  3. KEEP using high-quality images in your ads
  4. START running more traffic and conversion-focused ads
  5. START using pixels and event tracking to capture more conversions on social media
  6. START following Google Trends
  7. STOP bidding on your brand name
  8. START/KEEP mining actual search terms for negatives
  9. START running 2+ ad versions at the same audience
  10. START using Automated Bidding to maximize results
  11. START auditing Ad copy and landing pages for consistency
  12. STOP spending the minimum
  13. START with interest of audience
  14. STOP to use colors accordingly you follow interest of audience
  15. Use modern technology aids for advertising 

World Largest Vaccination Programme

India is home to the world’s largest vaccine makers and has one of the biggest immunization programs. But there is no playbook for the enormity of the current challenge.

The world’s largest vaccination programme will be-
gin at a total of 3,006 session
sites across all the States and
the Union Territories, which
will be connected virtually
throughout the exercise.
Nearly 100 beneficiaries

Indian authorities hope to give shots to 300 million people, roughly the population of the U.S and several times more than its existing program, which targets 26 million infants. The recipients include 30 million doctors, nurses and other front-line workers, to be followed by 270 million people who are either over 50 or have illnesses that make them vulnerable to COVID-19.

Why NCERT books have wrong information?

There is lots of wrong information are printed in National Research Educational and Training ( NCERT) books.
Especially in History the content that book has, is false. They show that Aurangzeb was a secular king while he was an Orthodox Muslim Ge imposed Zajia on Nonmuslim.

this is an image of NCERT class 12 you can read circular data and know what is the truth.

People show their wrath against the printing department of NCERT

Why they have a soft corner for Aurangzeb while he destroyed thousands of Hindu temple is still questionable.

Think !

Your mind is the most powerful tool in this world because he is the father of the greatest invention of this world! 
People have no idea how creative, innovative & smart they are! I want to share my personal experience of life that I learnt in these 28 years of life! 
"Born with poverty is not curse, die with poverty is the biggest curse " I got these most impactable during Schooling.  I puzzled for a while and think it's our destiny that's why most of the people live in poverty till last breath of their life because they have so many obstacles that's only reason they never overcome from their problems. 
But when I got another book name is ' Yog Nirman Yojna' by Acharya Ramchandra Sharma there is the most beautiful words were written ' Jo Jaisa Sochta Hai Waisa Ban jata Hai' means our circumstances are our servant they always response as we intstruct them. Every moment of life are temporary means nothing is permanent 'time fly things change' people stick with negativity will called failure  and who have a positive attitude and start a new beginning one day will active success so why would we hold negativity. I learnt one thing from life' This time also pass' so my dear all of you don't think about problems think about solution.
Be open minded frank and honest whatever come in your life will be surplus.

Whatsapp New Policy 2021

Whatsapp reveal about it's new policy for all iOS and Android users 
Information We Collect
WhatsApp must receive or collect some information to operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services, including when you install, access, or use our Services.

The types of information we receive and collect depend on how you use our Services. We require certain information to deliver our Services and without this we will not be able to provide our Services to you. For example, you must provide your mobile phone number to create an account to use our Services.

Our Services have optional features which, if used by you, require us to collect additional information to provide such features. You will be notified of such collection, as appropriate. If you choose not to provide the information needed to use a feature, you will be unable to use the feature. For example, you cannot share your location with your contacts if you do not permit us to collect your location data from your device. Permissions can be managed through your Settings menu on both Android and iOS devices.

Information You Provide
Your Account Information. You must provide your mobile phone number and basic information (including a profile name of your choice) to create a WhatsApp account. If you don’t provide us with this information, you will not be able to create an account to use our Services. You can add other information to your account, such as a profile picture and "about" information.
Your Messages. We do not retain your messages in the ordinary course of providing our Services to you. Instead, your messages are stored on your device and not typically stored on our servers. Once your messages are delivered, they are deleted from our servers. The following scenarios describe circumstances where we may store your messages in the course of delivering them:
Undelivered Messages. If a message cannot be delivered immediately (for example, if the recipient is offline), we keep it in encrypted form on our servers for up to 30 days as we try to deliver it. If a message is still undelivered after 30 days, we delete it.
Media Forwarding. When a user forwards media within a message, we store that media temporarily in encrypted form on our servers to aid in more efficient delivery of additional forwards.
We offer end-to-end encryption for our Services. End-to-end encryption means that your messages are encrypted to protect against us and third parties from reading them. Learn more about end-to-end encryption and how businesses communicate with you on WhatsApp.
Your Connections. You can use the contact upload feature and provide us, if permitted by applicable laws, with the phone numbers in your address book on a regular basis, including those of users of our Services and your other contacts. If any of your contacts aren’t yet using our Services, we’ll manage this information for you in a way that ensures those contacts cannot be identified by us. Learn more about our contact upload feature here. You can create, join, or get added to groups and broadcast lists, and such groups and lists get associated with your account information. You give your groups a name. You can provide a group profile picture or description.
Status Information. You may provide us your status if you choose to include one on your account. Learn how to use status on Android, iPhone, or KaiOS.
Transactions And Payments Data. If you use our payments services, or use our Services meant for purchases or other financial transactions, we process additional information about you, including payment account and transaction information. Payment account and transaction information includes information needed to complete the transaction (for example, information about your payment method, shipping details and transaction amount). If you use our payments services available in your country or territory, our privacy practices are described in the applicable payments privacy policy.
Customer Support And Other Communications. When you contact us for customer support or otherwise communicate with us, you may provide us with information related to your use of our Services, including copies of your messages, any other information you deem helpful, and how to contact you (e.g., an email address). For example, you may send us an email with information relating to app performance or other issues.
Automatically Collected Information
Usage And Log Information. We collect information about your activity on our Services, like service-related, diagnostic, and performance information. This includes information about your activity (including how you use our Services, your Services settings, how you interact with others using our Services (including when you interact with a business), and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities and interactions), log files, and diagnostic, crash, website, and performance logs and reports. This also includes information about when you registered to use our Services; the features you use like our messaging, calling, Status, groups (including group name, group picture, group description), payments or business features; profile photo, "about" information; whether you are online, when you last used our Services (your "last seen"); and when you last updated your "about" information.
Device And Connection Information. We collect device and connection-specific information when you install, access, or use our Services. This includes information such as hardware model, operating system information, battery level, signal strength, app version, browser information, mobile network, connection information (including phone number, mobile operator or ISP), language and time zone, IP address, device operations information, and identifiers (including identifiers unique to Facebook Company Products associated with the same device or account).
Location Information. We collect and use precise location information from your device with your permission when you choose to use location-related features, like when you decide to share your location with your contacts or view locations nearby or locations others have shared with you. There are certain settings relating to location-related information which you can find in your device settings or the in-app settings, such as location sharing. Even if you do not use our location-related features, we use IP addresses and other information like phone number area codes to estimate your general location (e.g., city and country). We also use your location information for diagnostics and troubleshooting purposes.
Cookies. We use cookies to operate and provide our Services, including to provide our Services that are web-based, improve your experiences, understand how our Services are being used, and customize them. For example, we use cookies to provide our Services for web and desktop and other web-based services. We may also use cookies to understand which of our Help Center articles are most popular and to show you relevant content related to our Services. Additionally, we may use cookies to remember your choices, like your language preferences, to provide a safer experience, and otherwise to customize our Services for you. Learn more about how we use cookies to provide you our Services.

National Youth Day : Youngest minds

Caring child positively is the biggest achievement for parents, because they think that whatever the resourced they didn't get during childhood child must-have.
For any country, the most beautiful resource is a beautiful mind, No matter what's circumstances, you nurture with knowledge and honestly, you can create enormous wealth .
If we look data of you Asia is the youngest continents in the world ---------

India tops the list with 356 million young people as the country of world’s largest youth population.
China, the world’s most populous country, comes second in the list with 269 million young people
Indonesia takes the third spot in the list with 67 million people between ages 10 and 24.
The United States, the only most developed nation in the list, has taken fourth place with 65 million young people


The fifth position was secured by Pakistan.
India has around 6 times more than the USA but still struggling for development  because most youths forget their proficiency they are wasting their time in useless activity for temporary pleasure, 
Swami Vivekananda, the greatest monk, philosopher and youth icon said " Arise, Awake and not stop till the goal is reached" while youth say Arise Awake and drink until again you sleep. 
Alcohol, Smoking and Negativity kill them not only physically but mentally socially and financially also. They are losing everything to show off. 
 It's the greatest lose for any country once gold would steal it will recover but if youth destroys, it devasted everything.

International  youth Day will start  on 1 Aug 2023 to 6 August  2023 
Theme of it is,"Mary arose and went with haste"
Age Limit of IYD is 16 to 35 Years.
Place : Libon Portugal